The History of Melvino
Old looking photo of a clown
Colonel Melvin O'Daftpants
In this photo dated 1943 you can really see the family resemblance Melvino has with his real grandfather, the original Melvino.
Most people don't know this, but Melvino isn't the first Melvino. The original Melvino was born Malcolm Irving O'Daftpants in 1923 to a happy clown family recently immigrated from Scoffland. He grew up dreaming of making others laugh on the vaudeville stage, practicing his skills as a tree ventriloquist and almost inventing the unicycle. But when the clown war was declared he knew he had to join, so he marched straight to the recruiting office and enlisted in the 43rd Seltzer Bottle Artillery Brigade, eventually reaching the rank of Colonel. After a distinguished military career he retired with honors and lived out the rest of his days in Patagonia.
Melvino's real dad, the second Melvino. Seen here moments before his grisly death, having just stepped on a landmime.
Photo of a circus clown
Current Melvino is proud to continue in his family's large footsteps. Since the clown wars were largely inactive at the time he decided to remain in reserve until after touring with the circus for many years, but in 2016 the evil clowns began their attacks in the woods he felt called into service. He semi retired from the circus to focus on local recruitment, reaching the rank of Sergeant.

OK, but f'real, though?

Melvino is Aaron Rider
Black and white actor's headshot of a smiling bearded white man in front of a brick wall
Photo of a smiling white couple in front of a driveway.
Fulfilling a childhood dream Aaron began his clown career near the turn of the millennium on the east coast of the United States, spending summers stiltwalking, juggling, unicycling, and street performing at the Inner Harbor of Baltimore. In 2003 he could be seen juggling and being funny at Hersheypark, then in 2004 he joined a circus for the first time. Traveling with the Culpepper Merriweather, Carson and Barnes, and Kelly Miller Circuses took up most of his energy for the next fourteen years or so. Then he got tired, so he ran away from the circus to join a home. Now settled in Northwest Arkansas with his wife Lacey and their two cats, he's also active with the Northwest Arkansas Juggling Club and local community theater.
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